Jeanne Balibar and Mathieu Amalric: At 25, their son Antoine is the perfect mix of his two parents

This Saturday, July 16, 2022, Jeanne Balibar is expected on the show Game of Talents, presented by Jean-Luc Reichmann on TF1. In life she is the proud mother of two boys, Antoine, 25, and Pierre, 23. Two sons she had with the great love of her life, Mathieu Amalric. If the two are very discreet, Antoine Amalric nevertheless has an Instagram account which shows how much he is the perfect mix of both parents.

Known for her roles in Cold War, Grace of Monaco or Lost IllusionsJeanne Balibar was more recently the muse of her ex Mathieu Amalric, in his film Barbarain 2017. With the actor, seen in the series The Office of Legends, they not only shared their passion for the 7th art but also a real militant commitment. In May 2019, Jeanne Balibar had thus made a name for herself by supporting the Yellow Vests movement before attacking President Emmanuel Macron directly.

Jeanne Balibar and Mathieu Amalric were in a relationship from 1996 to 2003, the year of their separation. Parents of Antoine and Pierre, they are still on very good terms. For the promotion of the biopic on the legendary singer Barbara, they ensured together side by side. On the set ofWe are not in bed, the former couple had a hard time containing their emotion while talking about their relationship. “I’m very emotive. We loved each other so much that we loved each other’s happiness, each on his own“, had then confided the director, who has rebuilt his life, about the mother of his sons.

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