Jeanne Balibar and Julie Depardieu fell for the same singer, one of them has two children with him

Except in Maïwenn’s choral film The Actresses’ Ball, Jeanne Balibar and Julie Depardieu have never shared the screen. It must be said that the two actresses with respected but diametrically opposed careers do not seem to make the same choices: rather a fan of dramas and true stories, Jeanne Balibar (who will notably be in the TV movie Diana of Poitiers on France 2 this Monday) is a powerful and serious actress, who rarely dabbled in comedy.

Unlike his colleague: Julie Depardieu, more solar, indeed likes comedies and had notably been masterful in Podium, at the beginning of his career. However, the two women have one thing in common, which some of their fans themselves have forgotten: a very famous lover who shared their lives… and with whom one of the two even had two children!

An actor, Caesarized for his role in The Big Bath (in which plays Mathieu Amalric, another ex of Jeanne Balibar), but also a singer and author of totally crazy tunes… In a word, the brilliant and poetic Philippe Katerine! At the end of the 2000s, the singer (already the father of little Edie) had just divorced another actress, Helena Noguerra and meets Jeanne Balibar, who has just left the father of her childrenMathieu Amalric.

A discreet love story was then born for a few months between the two lovers, who even recorded a duet together before separating on good terms. The actress will find love again several months later with the German director Frank Castorf, while Philippe Katerine got into a relationship with the girl Gerard Depardieu’s eldest.

A beautiful story that still lasts today: parents of two little boys (Billy, 11, and Alfred, 10), both even played a married couple in the film What is this family?! and its two suites. However, the lovers could have never ended up together, as the actress had confided to Tele-Leisure : “Before meeting Philippe, I was coming out of a difficult breakup and I didn’t want to live any more stories. But it’s always when you don’t believe it anymore that it happens“, she had told, explaining that her difficult divorce had done her a lot of harm and especially a tragic loss.

He was in a relationship and I was not ready, I had just lost my brother. It took until 2010 for this to materialize. (…) Our love is mysterious. I never thought it would fall on me. Besides, I didn’t want children, the idea scared me. I didn’t think I was made for family life“, she had concluded in another interview, two years earlier. Family life, now, she would not abandon it for anything in the world!

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