Jeanfi: This very (very) naughty Christmas with a passenger on the plane …

On stage or on the radio, the very friendly Jeanfi Janssens does not have his tongue in his pocket! He distributes funny memories of his years as an Air France employee and anecdotes about his eventful love life; between boyfriend who left him debts, request in Pacs at the pizzeria and relation with a German named Mustapha. When he was single, he had notably had a little sexual adventure during a trip, in the middle of Christmas.

It’s in the show of Big heads that Jeanfi Janssens related this quirky story last November, while his comrade Michèle Bernier was trying to find out if he already had “detached from the belts” on board… “It happened to me… Twenty years of career, you can imagine that I had one or two little adventures on the plane! It was when we took over the oil rigs, Total Fina Elf it was called at the time, we took the guys who were going to stay on the platforms for three months and we brought back those who had stayed for three months …“, first told the protege of Laurent Ruquier to evoke the context.

It was therefore during a flight of this type that Jeanfi Janssens, who according to the latest news is no longer a heart to take, had a sexual adventure in a device. “Once, I remember, it was Christmas Eve. We were going to Gabon with some guys, and one of the guys said, ‘Oh, it’s my first Christmas without my family.’ All that, all that … I said to him: ‘Yes, but all the same, you are going on an oil platform! It saves money, it’s worth spending Christmas on the plane. ‘ And he said to me: ‘Yes, but hey …’ And then, during the flight, it was a night flight, he said to me: ‘Wouldn’t you sit next to me for a drink?’ So I tell him I’m not allowed: ‘You realize I’m in uniform, I can’t have a drink with a client.’ So he said, ‘Oh, everyone is asleep, there is nobody!’“, he added.

Obviously, what had to happen, happened in between. Jeanfi Janssens then agreed to “drink a little red“with the passenger in question, while taking great care to stay on the lookout”because I mustn’t get yelled at anyway …“, he said.”I drink a drink, and he said to me: ‘Aren’t we doing something in the bathroom? Won’t you make me a treat? ‘ So I say: ‘Still … okay! I told her that we would meet in the toilet in 5 minutes (…) I went to see the hostess behind and I said to her: ‘You are careful because I am going to suck the passenger over there’ And she tell me why? I said to him: ‘Bah to build customer loyalty!“, he concluded his story, to the laughter of all his comrades.

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