Jean Reno: Who is Zofia Borucka, his wife, ex-model and actress?

Starring in five films, a TV movie and a series in 2020, soon in Amanda Sthers’ new feature film titled The promises, Jean Reno does not have a minute for him. But as soon as the opportunity arises, of course, the 73-year-old actor takes a break, to enjoy life and especially his wife, Zofia Borucka.

Jean Reno married his partner in 2006 in the presence of two five-star witnesses, Johnny Hallyday and Nicolas Sarkozy – he is also the godfather of Jade Hallyday. Born in London in 1972, Zofia Borucka is an actress, just like her husband, but she also has a modeling career. She worked for several years as a model for fashion designer Ralph Lauren. On small and large screens, the public saw her, in the 2000s, in Sex and the City, in Lisa Bacard is famous, K-Pax, The man who comes from afar or The Pink Panther 2.

Crazy in love for more than fifteen years, Jean Reno and Zofia Borucka are parents of two boys. Cielo was born in 2009 and Dean, his little brother whose godfather is Jay-Z, was born in 2011. The hero of the film Wasabi also has four other children. He had Sandra in 1977 and Michael in 1980 with his first wife Genevieve – they divorced in 1988. From his second marriage to Nathalie Dyszkiewicz he welcomed Tom in 1996 and Serena in 1998 into his life.

I’m not saying this to hurt anyone

Some of his children seem to have common affinities with him. Sandra, the eldest daughter of Jean Reno, is also an actress. She played in Albert is bad, The Empire of the Wolves, The Lining or The Troublemaker. His brother, Michael Moreno, turned to another art since he is a singer. Of all his marriages, Jean Reno has fond memories. However, in 2011, he explained to the magazine Paris Match that he had, once and for all, found the ideal partner. “I’m not saying this to hurt anyonehe specified, but Zofia is the woman with whom I finally reach a total exchange“Ha, love…

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