Jean Reno father not “perfect”? His rare touching statements about his six children

Featured in the series All those things we didn’t say to each other which will be broadcast from July 19, 2022 on MyCanal, Jean Reno confided in his great tribe to journalists from TV Magazine. Adapted from the eponymous novel by Marc Levy, this series which deals with family ties has given the actor a lot of thought, particularly on his relationship with his children. “Reading the script, I wondered if I was talking enough with my children” he confided.

Father of Sandra (born in 1977) and Michael (born in 1980) fruits of his love with Geneviève, of Tom and Serena (born in 1996 and 1998 of his love with Nathalie Dyszkiewicz) and of Cielo (born in 2009) and Dean ( born in 2011) fruit of his union with Zofia Borucka, the actor of the film Wasabi recognized with great humility that he was not a perfect dad but constantly seeking to improve with his children. “I like the idea that I’m perfectible and that I’m not going to have a perfect image” indicates the actor of the trilogy Visitors.

Grandfather of a little boy named Ange, son of his eldest daughter Sandra born in September 2013, and godfather of Jade Hallyday, daughter of Johnny Hallyday and Laeticia Hallyday, Jean Reno also knows that it is not enough to be present. physically with his children and grandchildren in order to create real bonds, but rather to arouse emotions and make them feel a solid emotional security. “No matter the amount of words, you have to be present at the right time“ he adds with great wisdom.

Even though he sometimes doubts his abilities to be a good father, he nevertheless has a clue about his skills in the behavior of his precious children who constantly wish to be by his side. “The answer is they still call me, they come to see me and they still tell me they love me” confesses the French actor of Spanish origin.

On a completely different note, Jean Reno will also soon be showing in season 3 of Who killed Sara? on Netflix.

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