Jean Reno angry with his children? “You should ask them…”

Adaptation of the bestseller published by the French writer in 2008, All those things we didn’t say to each other, a new CANAL + series brings together an international cast around our national Jean Reno, who plays a unique role. Available in full on myCANAL, it tells the story of a brilliant young woman but neglected by an absent father (Michel), too busy managing a flourishing business. On her wedding day, Julia knows that she cannot count on him, and for good reason: he has just passed the weapon on the left, which forces her daughter to upset her plans and replace the wedding ceremony with a funeral ceremony.

In this plot that mixes several genres, Jean Reno, 73, who is making more appearances in the series at the moment, is very comfortable in the skin of this robot, and delivers a fairly convincing score. “I knew the work of Marc Lévy and I really wanted to work with Alexandra Maria Lara, who plays my daughter. She is exceptional!“, he confided.

A role that also allowed Jean Reno to reflect on the importance of transmission between a father and his children. “I have a hard time thinking that I can be a guide. Except for my family. My father taught me certain things, which I then passed on to my children.“, he says even if he concedes to have perhaps a certain lack. “Probably because my father spoke to me little. He had no gestures of affection towards me“, he explains before adding: “Reading the script, I wondered if I was talking enough with my children.”

The opportunity for the actor of “Léon” to reveal a little more about the relationship he has with his descendants today. “They still call me and visit me and tell me they love me, and I tell them too.” As to whether the actor’s career has taken him away from his children? “You should ask them!“, answers Jean Reno to Télé Magazine.


See also: At 73, Jean Reno no longer sleeps at night…

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