Jean Reno and his wife Zofia treat themselves to a rare romantic outing in Monte-Carlo [PHOTOS]

At almost 74 years old (his birthday is in July), there is no question for Jean Reno of resting: on the contrary, the actor innovates, changes roles and moves more and more… towards the Iberian series: after his appearance surprise in the thriller series Who killed Sarah?a real hit on Netflix, the friend of the late Johnny Hallyday and godfather of his daughter Jade is now expected in A private mattera thriller that will be released in a few months, where it will star the actresses Aura Garrido and Ángela Molina.

And they were all three together this Saturday, June 18, 2022 in Monte-Carlo for the Television Festival, which is held every year on the Rock. Very fit, the French actor was dressed in a blue suit and seemed very happy to be present, he who chained successful roles in his long career (especially in Leon Where The big Bluetwo cult films).

Surrounded by his two young partners, he posed, smiling in front of the photographers. But the moment that saw him most smiling was of course when his wife Zofia joined him. Dressed in a black dress, she was absolutely splendid and sparkled with a thousand lights. Despite their age difference, since the Briton is 50 years old, their marriage is therefore a story that works: both have known each other for almost 20 years and are celebrating their 16th anniversary this year.

They are also parents of two children: Cielo, their first son, was born in 2009 and Dean, the youngest of the family will be 9 years old next September. Both, very protected by their parents, are never exposed in public but seem to get along perfectly with the rest of the clan, also composed of the first four children of Jean Reno, born of two different marriages.

From his first union with Geneviève, the actor had indeed had two adult children, Sandra, born in 1977, and Michaël, born three years later. Later remarried with Nathalie, this time he had welcomed Tom in 1996 and Serena in 1998, before divorcing in 2001. But this time, Zofia seems to be the good one, and given their complicity on the red carpet, we cannot wish them only the best!

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