Jean Pierre Raffarin has not yet chosen between E. Macron and V. Pécresse for the presidential election

The former Poitevin Prime Minister Jean Pierre Raffarin was this Tuesday morning the exceptional guest of France Bleu Poitou. Half an hour during the former president of the Poitou-Charentes region reviewed the French political landscape. Selected pieces :

Emmanuel Macron candidate? No doubt

You must not hide behind your little finger“says Jean-Pierre Raffarin,”a president the last months of his mandate he is still in campaign “. A future candidate who does not lack assets: “He will be the youngest and the most experienced. it is an asset, it is very important “. However, the former Prime Minister has not yet made his choice in view of the presidential election: “As long as the Macron project is not on the table, the campaign is virtual. As long as I don’t have the Macron project and the Pécresse line, I don’t rush to choose. “ It should be done in February according to Jean-Pierre Raffarin who also says he expects a strong project from the President “What I believe is that the macron project is going to be quite daring. He saw the problems, the Yellow Vests, the need for authority, the social difficulties which I hope he will offer solutions to “.

Eric Zemmour has talent, but …

Asked about the candidacy of the far-right polemicist, Eric Zemmour, Jean-Pierre Raffarin recognizes in him a certain talent but while specifying that it takes more to be President “it is someone who has talent but from there to be President of the Republic ... “Political end the former President of the Poitou-Charentes region does not hide his fears”Zemmour is a hyper nationalist. If you are an extreme nationalist it leads to wars “. But as in everything there is good, Jean-Pierre Raffarin finds positive points in the situation: “What reassures me is that it weakens Madame Le Pen and that it opens the doors to the second round.

The presidential election will take place on April 10 and 24, 2022.

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