Jean-Pierre Pernaut with cancer: his daughter Lou gives news and responds to “jealous”!

After battling prostate cancer in 2018, Jean-Pierre Pernaut faces lung cancer. If the right lung could be cured in the summer of 2021, the left side is now affected too. This time, it was impossible to operate… In this ordeal, the former star of the 1 p.m. television news on TF1 can count on the unfailing support of those close to him, in particular his wife Nathalie Marquay and their children Lou (19 years old). ) and Tom (18). However, the clan is sometimes confronted with disparaging remarks on the subject…

This is the case of the young Lou Pernaut. In story on Instagram Wednesday February 2, 2022, she shares unkind messages from Internet users. Some then criticize the pretty brunette for enjoying the holidays, her half-brother Olivier Pernaut (40-year-old pilot born from the love of the journalist with his ex-wife Dominique Bonnet) for being “on race tracks” and to Nathalie Marquay, who plays in the theater “even though she has absolutely no talent“, of “jiggle on every TV set imaginable“…rather than being with Jean-Pierre Pernaut.

Tired, the young woman takes the time to answer. She then specifies that the program where Olivier Pernaut plays the racing drivers was recorded a year ago. “We didn’t even know about my father’s cancer“, she adds. As for her, she has returned from her vacation. “And even so, I have the right to go even if my father is sick. I’m not going to lock myself at home depressed!“, she lets go. Finally, Lou Pernaut defends his mother: “No supporting evidence to say that my mother is just the wife of and has no talent. She worked in the theater before knowing my father. she is very talented and i love her.

Lou Pernaut, who has just left the family home to settle solo in Paris, regrets the jealousy of some Internet users. “You have your last name, you’re useless, you’re rich, you go on vacation while your father is sick… This kind of messages I get a ton a day and I can’t take it anymore“, she says. And to give news of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who recently made “four mini strokes“: “My father is fine, I have him on the phone every day, everything is fine, don’t worry. On top of that, you don’t know how much my mom is there for my dad. While she spends all her days with my father. It can hurt the family when you use words like that, you’re no one to judge other people’s lives. It’s just bullshit and jealousy!“A necessary clarification.

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