Jean-Pierre Pernaut sick and absent from LCI for 2 months: the TF1 group worried, testimony…

He fought successfully against prostate cancer in 2018. Then, three years later, Jean-Pierre Pernaut was confronted with lung cancer. The right side was able to be healed in the summer of 2021 and it is now the left lung that is affected. This time, the evil is inoperable because of the fragile state of health of the 71-year-old journalist. And while the news is scarce, Jean-Pierre Pernaut has disappeared from the air… Something to worry viewers but also its teams, as revealed by our colleagues from the Parisian.

Happy New Year. We meet at the start of the school year“, he had launched Friday, December 17, 2022, on the air of his show Jean-Pierre & you on LCI. And add a “I hope” which now makes sense. Already more than two months since Jean-Pierre Pernaut retired from the small screen. Unsurprisingly, it is for health reasons that the lover of Nathalie Marquay, who is unfailing support since the beginning of the disease, that he is absent. Moreover, a few days before his goodbye, Jean-Pierre Pernaut had been forced to cancel his participation in the filming of the end-of-year clip of the TF1 group In the photo of all the presenters, he was indeed present… thanks to a montage.

Unlike Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, absent due to an eye infection and replaced at 1 p.m. on TF1 by her joker Jacques Legros, there is no question of another taking the place of Jean-Pierre Pernaut at the controls of his show. “Impossible. Jean-Pierre embodies this meeting so much“, estimates his entourage. For its part, the group specifies that the animator “must continue to rest“and that he”will resume its broadcast on LCI upon its return“, without however giving a date. A different official version of the atmosphere in the offices. The teams are concerned about his state of health… “Everyone talks about that here. We like it. It makes us sad“, says a journalist from the TF1 group.

Finally, Jean-Pierre Pernaut, contacted by our colleagues, did not wish to speak further and “devotes himself to the rest recommended by his doctor“Recall that in early February, his daughter Lou Pernaut spoke on Instagram, reassuring Internet users by telling them that her father “is fine“.

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