Jean-Pierre Pernaut, one year already: he celebrates his first year away from 1pm with emotion

On Friday December 18, 2020, Jean-Pierre Pernaut put an end to thirty-three years of career spent to animate the 13h of TF1. Farewell to his loyal audience which were very emotional, especially when the presenter saw his family land on the set, namely his wife Nathalie Marquay and their two children Lou and Tom. Same his grandson Leo (son of his eldest Olivier) had made the trip. Jean-Pierre Pernaut had ended up cracking and shedding a few tears during his final speech, where he mentioned his deceased mother.

A poignant moment that took place a year ago! For this first birthday far from the TF1 lunchtime meeting, Jean-Pierre Pernaut took to his Instagram account to send a video message to his community. Facing the camera, the 71-year-old journalist began by giving his news, he who is affected by lung cancer that he is trying to eradicate by radiotherapy. “First of all, a huge thank you for your countless messages that you sent me after the announcement of my cancer. This cancer is still there but I hope it goes away, we will know in January. I will give you some news, for now everything is fine. You have to keep your head up“He said with optimism. The same optimism that he made him agree to chair the jury of the Miss France 2022 ceremony, during which he took the opportunity to make a statement to his wife Nathalie Marquay.

Jean-Pierre Pernaut then returned to the subject that made him speak: the anniversary of his departure at 1 p.m. “This little message today because it makes a year to the day that I left the 1 p.m. diary. I do not regret it. I have done so many things this year that have been wonderful : Jean-Pierre and you: your money, on LCI, which will resume at the start of the school year, the JPP TV which is a hit! My magazine In the heart of the regions, number 4 will be released in a few days with a poll for the presidential elections“, he listed not without pride. Projects, the host is not lacking!

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