Jean-Pierre Pernaut: His discreet son, Olivier, finds a smile with his wife and children

Bereaved by the death of his father since March 2, 2022, Olivier Pernaut (40 years old) relearns to live without his dad and savors the presence of his family to rediscover his joy of living.

On March 20, 2022, his wife Catherine Dupraz unveiled a rare snapshot of the eldest son of Jean-Pierre Pernaut (fruit of his love with Dominique Bonnet). In the photograph (see our slideshow), we discover the father who works as team manager of a racing team and racing driver with the one who shares his life and their two children Rose and Léo (the latter was from elsewhere appeared on TF1 during his grandfather’s last television news). In the sun, the family takes advantage of the arrival of spring and seems to support each other in this family ordeal which has upset the Pernaut clan.

During the funeral of Jean-Pierre Pernaut on March 9 at the Sainte-Clotilde basilica in Paris, Olivier had delivered a touching testimony about his father. “I will forever remember the last look we exchanged, the day before your operation, when I left your room. We both looked a little worried, I think. And we didn’t really want to leave each other that day (…) Dad, you deserved so much to enjoy your retirement [il avait lâché les commandes du 13H en décembre 2020, laissant la place à Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, NDLR] to rest. Traveling, spending time with your children, your grandchildren…” he confided, very moved, according to comments reported by the magazine Gala.

As a reminder, Jean-Pierre Pernaut was also the father of Lou and Tom, the fruit of his love with his last wife Nathalie Marquay, Miss France 1987. He was the father of Olivier and Julia, born to his previous wife, Dominique Bonnet.

Died on March 2, 2022, Jean-Pierre Pernaut had suffered from prostate cancer which he had overcome in 2019 and had recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. In January 2022 facing Didier Raoult, his wife Nathalie Marquay was also worried about the “four mini-strokes” that her husband had suffered following his vaccination against covid-19 on the set of TPMP. “In the hospital, I said, ‘Look, since he had this vaccine, eight days later, he’s been doing this. Is there a connection?’” she was sorry.

According to Isabelle Morini-Bosc, the journalist would not have been carried away by his lung cancer “that he was apparently in the process of overcoming“, but rather by a general deterioration in his state of health.”He suffered mini-strokes in February and required open-heart surgery. It was perfectly well recovered and all of a sudden the body let go. It’s incomprehensible, it’s an assault of his whole body“, she had explained on the set of Do not touch My TV.

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