Jean-Pierre Jouyet, senior official author of the book “Our Old Kingdom”



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Jean-Pierre Jouyet is the guest at 11 p.m. on Wednesday February 2. High official, French ambassador in London, stayed three years at the Elysées under François Hollande, he signs a book on France, “Our Old Kingdom”.

Guest at 11 p.m. for his book Notre Vieux Royaume, senior civil servant Jean-Pierre Jouyet publishes the book “Our Old Kingdom“. On the set, he reacted to the news of the presidential campaign by believing that it is necessary “be prepared, don’t be amateurish. But there were also some among our monarchs“.

Asked about the ambiguity of the latest statements by François Hollande, to whom he was close, regarding a possible candidacy, he explained that “what is important for him and for those who represent him is to testify and to ensure that there is not a weakening or a break with social democracy“.


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