Jean-Pierre Ferland returns home after a short hospitalization

Singer-songwriter Jean-Pierre Ferland was briefly hospitalized following a fall at the end of June.

Posted at 10:28 a.m.
Updated at 7:57 p.m.

Josee Lapointe

Josee Lapointe
The Press

Mario Girard

Mario Girard
The Press

“Jean-Pierre had a bad fall a few weeks ago and he decided to consult because he was in pain. His condition is completely stable, ”confirmed press officer Sophie Marsolais.

The singer, who is 88, was due out of hospital on Tuesday evening. Joined by The Press in the evening, his friend Pierre Séguin, producer and director, gave an update on the artist’s state of health.

“June 24, the day of his 88e birthday, he fell out of bed while getting up. After consultation with specialists, last week it was found that he had fractured two ribs and that there was a small accumulation of blood in the lung. All of this made him breathless. He was hospitalized so that a drainage could be carried out. He’s just come [ce mardi soir] to go home, he confirmed. He will take a few days off, but should resume his normal activities within two weeks. »

Jean-Pierre Ferland lives in Saint-Norbert, in the Lanaudière region, with his spouse Julie Anne Saumur.

In the spring of 2021, he launched the album I don’t want to sleep tonight in which he reinterprets some of his greatest hits, accompanied by star musicians like 2 Frères, Angèle Dubeau and Tony Levin, who had played on his legendary album Yellow. Ferland performs, among other things, a duet with Gilles Vigneault, Before I settle downwhich closes the album.

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