Jean-Pierre Darroussin, 26 years younger than his partner: a love he never imagined “possible”

On the poster of The school is ours this Wednesday, October 26, 2022, Jean-Pierre Darroussin is again in the spotlight. Member of the educational team of a college jostled by the methods of a professor, he once again hits the mark in his role. The 68-year-old actor is, in his private life, a man in heaven with his beloved Anna Novion, soon to be 43 years old. And no matter the twenty-six years that separate them, it takes more to alter their couple that feeds on love and artistic collaborations.

Met on the set of Adults, Jean-Pierre Darroussin was quickly won over by the Franco-Swedish director and screenwriter. Thinking that the age gap could have been a problem, he was delighted to see that it was not a topic between them. “There is a big age difference between usso me I didn’t imagine it was possible“, he explained on France 2. The lovers have not left each other for more than a decade and are now civil unions. In May 2014, the artists welcomed a baby, their son Vincent.

In the pages of TV Starthe unforgettable Denis d’A family resemblance confided about his collaboration with his sweetheart: “It is very precise, very choreographic. She looks at me with great acuity and perceives all the nuances. And yes, we do not stop! When you live with someone who does this job, it’s something quite obsessive, because every moment feeds his inspiration.“Before being in a relationship with Anna Novion, Jean-Pierre Darroussin was married to production manager Geneviève Adrey, with whom he had two daughters, Marie and Juliette. He then lived for several years with the actress, screenwriter and director Valerie Stroh.

The school is ours

In this film by Alexandre Castagnetti, Sarah Suco plays Virginie Thévenot, a somewhat special maths teacher, who takes advantage of a general strike in a college to try an unusual experience with a small group of students. She takes a bet: let them do what they want… A spark that will ignite the spirits of teenagers, cause a small revolution within the college and turn their lives upside down.

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