Jean-Paul Huchon, former socialist president of the Ile-de-France region, sentenced to 8 months in prison for illegal taking of interests

He appeared in mid-May concerning a 60,000 euro grant awarded by the region in 2014 to the Green Lotus association under “conditions that appeared irregular” and according to a process marred by anomalies, according to investigators.



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Jean-Paul Huchon, the former socialist president of the Ile-de-France region, in court in Paris, May 15, 2024. (ANTONIN UTZ / AFP)

A former president of the Ile-de-France region caught by the courts. The socialist Jean-Paul Huchon, tried in May before the Paris criminal court for illegal taking of interests, was sentenced on Wednesday June 26 to eight months in prison, suspended. The former mayor of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines), 77 years old, was also sentenced to a fine of 10,000 euros and a sentence of one year of ineligibility: a sentence “symbolic”declared the court, because the former president of the Ile-de-France regional council (1998-2015) is no longer elected.

He appeared in this case concerning a grant of 60,000 euros awarded by the region in 2014 to the Green Lotus association in “conditions appearing irregular” and according to a process marred by anomalies, according to investigators. The case was taken to court after a complaint from the Union of Ile-de-France Taxpayers.

The Green Lotus association, which was to provide training to elected officials and representatives of Burmese civil society on subjects linked to sustainable development, was in fact led by Jean-Marc Brûlé (since deceased), then elected EELV of the regional council . His name had been erased from the project sheet. The court recorded the extinction of the public action concerning him. Jean-Paul Huchon, who assured that he had not contributed to the grant selection process, “knowingly performed the act characteristic of illegal taking of interests” of which he had “necessarily knowledge”due to its “great political experience” and within the region, the court ruled.

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