Jean-Paul Guerlain: Did his son Stéphane try to kill his partner? The conflict has been going on for years!

It smells bad at the Guerlains. While the famous perfumer is trying to overcome the vagaries of Alzheimer’s disease which is eating away at him, an endless war is being waged within his ranks. Christina Kragh Michelsen, his companion for seventeen years, accuses Stéphane Guerlain – his own son, her “step-son” – of attempted murder. In the columns of The Obs, she says she filed a complaint last December after a vehicle tried to hit her in front of witnesses. She would have, according to her, fortunately, jumped into a bush and avoided death.

I have been subject of attempted murder, she explains. It’s very dangerous for me right now. I am at the gendarmerie once a week to drop off handrails, he even locked me in the kitchen lately, very strange things are happening.“A preliminary investigation has just been opened by the Versailles prosecutor’s office. Stéphane Guerlain has not yet been heard in the context of this famous complaint.

The Jean-Paul Guerlain’s fortune amounts to 3.3 billion euros according to the magazine Challenges. The war between Christina Kragh Michelsen and her son-in-law has been going on for at least 15 years. “He smiled, he’s a psychopath. Next time, what will it be? I will be in a wheelchair, even dead” she assured the police, as reported The Obs. Stéphane Guerlain is the sole heir of the perfumer. He is also her legal guardian. On several occasions, his mother-in-law tried to deprive him of these qualities. She even wanted to marry the billionaire in March 2020 but had been refused by the guardianship judge, who considered that her 85-year-old partner did not have “more than his free and informed consent“.

They try to destroy me, but I won’t let go

On the side of Stéphane Guerlain, of course, the story is different. He describes Christina Kragh Michelsen as a manipulator Who “lives on the beast“and strongly denies having left his father abandoned and penniless.”I would leave my father in a state of destitution? It’s wrong. Three people, soon to be four, take turns morning and evening to take care of him.he swears. They are trying to destroy me, but I won’t let go, out of filial duty: I promised my father to keep him in his house..”

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