Jean-Pascal Lacoste fired from the tour, this excess which has not passed at all…

He may not have had the talent of Jenifer, Mario, or even Olivia Ruiz, but nevertheless, Jean-Pascal Lacoste marked the first season of the star Academy. In particular by his outspokenness and his humor which made the companion of Delphine Tellier endearing to the public. It is partly thanks to this love of the public that he managed to climb to the semi-finals of the show, despite his almost absent talent. He himself admits that he was, and never was, a singer, but that does not detract from the fact that he was able to mark an entire generation and fascinate viewers.

However, his character and his “bottom of the class” side sometimes played tricks on him. Especially during the Star Academy tour. A tour which brought together the best candidates of the program but in which Jean-Pascal Lacoste managed to win his place. During an interview granted on the Twitch channel LaBeamTV, the actor, passionate about golf, also revealed that Gérard Louvin, at the time, had fired him from the tour for an embarrassing reason.

Gérard Louvin intransigent with Jean-Pascal Lacoste

“He’s tough Gérard. He fired me before the tour”said the ex-candidate of the star Academy first before giving the details: “We are doing rehearsals, I had been drunk and he kicked me off the tour. I arrived at the hotel, Etienne Mougeotte called me to tell me about the contract”. As he waited for a taxi the next day at “6 a.m.” to leave, Gérard Louvin would have found him to tell him “you understand now”.

A little lesson given by the producer that Jean-Pascal Lacoste has not forgotten and which seems to have served him for the rest of his career. Indeed, the one who took the lead with Matthieu Delormeau a few weeks ago admitted: “Afterwards, I no longer acted smart”.

See also: “Star Academy”: the live cut brutally… after shocking remarks by Jean-Pascal Lacoste on “Me Too”?


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