Jean-Pascal Lacoste atomizes a teacher from the “Star Academy” and she takes a lot!

It is complicated to go after Oscar Sisto, Armande Altaï, or even Raphaëlle Ricci. However, Yanis Marshall, Adeline Toniutti, as well as Laure Balon seem to have succeeded wonderfully. Whether or not the talent of the students and their character ensure the success of the star Academy, it is clear that teachers also play a big role. So when we see the very good audiences recorded by the new season on TF1we can only think that the new teachers managed to charm the public.

However, this is not the opinion of Jean-Pascal Lacoste. The one who caused a huge buzz during the very first season of the tele-hook of TF1 was indeed invited, as often, on the Twitch channel LaBeamTV to talk about the show. The opportunity for David Barbet, to offer him a “game” and ask him to classify the teachers of the last season. The ex of Jenifer did not hesitate for a single second and then launched into his classification. Michael Goldman and Laure Balon took very expensive.

Laure Balon unconvincing for Jean-Pascal Lacoste

“I’ll be honest, we haven’t seen it. If I compare against others, I would say […] it lacks a bit of life, if I look at Alexia Laroche-Joubert, Gérard Louvin… It’s characters”he first regretted about Michael Goldman before continuing: “And it’s not negativity about Mr. Goldman, who I don’t know. […] It’s not a criticism, but I would have liked it to stand out a little more”.

But the son of Jean-Jacques Goldman is doing quite well. As for Laure Balon, the professor who humiliated Julien in front of the whole of France did not at all convince the companion of Delphine Tellier. Total casting error! She sucked after this story! […] I found it zero, as much before the shouting match, I said to myself ‘ok’. But as soon as there was a problem with Julien, I find that she continued to get into trouble […]. I think that next year she will not come back!, he notably swung. It remains to be seen whether she will be present again next year and whether she will be able to convince the former candidate.

See also: “What a bunch of …!”, Jean-Pascal Lacoste and his children in danger: he attacks motorists in front of his home!


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