Jean-Michel Maire reveals this five-figure sum that he received as a columnist in TPMP!

Thursday, May 19, Benjamin Castaldi took over the animation of the 6 to 7 on C8. He returned with Ludivine Rétory and Jean-Michel Maire to the highlights of the Do not touch My TV from yesterday. The presenter spoke of this influencer who made a micro-sidewalk to ask how much the French people he met earned. A very taboo subject. A few years ago, Flavie Flament’s ex had made, according to him, “the mistake” of having revealed his salary. Her colleague had given an interview to Jordan De Luxe in which she gave the amount of her salary.

Jean-Michel Maire said that when asked this question, he answered without dodging. Although “indecent”, the journalist indicated that he received 15,000 euros gross per month when he was present regularly in TPMP. At the beginning of April, Cyril Hanouna received him and asked him why he did not want to come back. “Honestly, I’m fine, I’m watching her, but I feel like I’ve had my time. And then, I don’t want to come back as a substitute (…) I think the team is very good. I would have the impression of taking the place of someone else. Me, my place suits me very well. I am 60 years old now. I am at home, I watch it and I comment on it with my dog. We have a great time.”

“Jean-Michel always said he earned 750 euros per show”

A few days ago, facing Jordan de Luxe, Ludivine Rétory spoke about her salary. “It’s not crazy, honestly. Last year, when I was on a show a week, I was maybe around 1600 or 1800 euros a month”she said before adding: “There, it’s much more comfortable because I have more shows. Even if I only have one signed, I do more (…) This year, we are around 3,500 euros per month, it’s a very good salary”. During the interview, she spoke about the financial situation of the former reporter of the Figaro. “Jean-Michel always said he earned 750 euros per show and he made five a week”.

See also: Zapping: TPMP: Jean-Michel Maire tackles Aya Nakamura

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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