Jean-Michel Maire is 61 years old: face and body, he succumbed to several surgeries, revelations…

It’s party time for Jean-Michel Maire! Journalist and columnist Do not touch My TV blow her 61st candle this Thursday, November 3, 2022. A new important step for those who have always tried to counter the passage of time, especially on their physique.

Indeed, Jean-Michel Maire has never hidden being a practitioner of cosmetic surgery. In 2017, however, it was Cyril Hanouna who took malicious pleasure in spilling the beans around a mysterious operation. “Jean-Michel is not here this week because he had plastic surgery. You’ll see. He’ll be back on Monday and you’ll see the change, it’s striking“, announced the host at the time. Jean-Michel Maire later confirmed on Twitter, revealing that he had retouched to her eyelids. But, according to him, this intervention was more medical than aesthetic. “I was suffering from a terrible disease that I had inherited from my father, an eyelid that gradually fell over my eye. My eyes were getting smaller and smaller. (…) They make a small incision I don’t know where, so it opens up theeye“, he explained on No Stop People.

Incidentally, under the advice of his surgeon, Jean-Michel Maire took the opportunity to modify his eye bags. “The day before the operation, he said to me: “Jean-Michel, I watched you last night on television, in fact it’s not your eyelids that are the most important, it’s your pockets”.“, he had reported. Thus, he had paid 5000 euros to correct everything, “2,500 euros for the eyelids and 2,500 euros for the pockets“.

Jean-Michel Maire did not stop there to offer himself a new youth. It also happened transplant hair implants few years ago. In 2017, he also used a method to refine his belly, without going through an operation. But, two years later, he succumbed to the call of the scalpel to undergo liposuction of the stomach, back, love handles and gynecomastia (which consists of removing fat from the chest). At the time, he shared the images of his operation on his social networks…

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