Jean-Michel Maire: His joint conquest with a famous member of TPMP, revelations!

This Tuesday, August 30, Jean-Michel Maire, back in Do not touch My TV, said a little more about his sentimental situation. He revealed that he was “more than ever” single. “It’s been six months with nothing at all… It’s the Gobi Desert!“, he revealed, thus causing the amazement of the other columnists, accustomed to the talents of seduction of their colleague. “You were on vacation this summer!“, was then surprised Cyril Hanouna.

I didn’t leave (..) I’m not in depression but I stayed on a heartache and suddenly I have trouble getting over it“, replied Jean-Michel Maire. The young woman in question was quickly identified by the entire set. “It’s the same as yours“, suddenly dropped Kelly Vedovelli, pressing her gaze on Baba, who did not immediately pay attention. “There were rapprochements, we left each other, and then we called each other, she came back and we saw each other…“, continued Jean-Michel Maire, still very focused on his story. “The same as yourse”, insisted once again Kelly Vedovelli, this time obtaining the attention of the main interested parties.

We kissed quickly

The one you know, three years ago!“, recalled Jean-Michel Maire, who has just married his son. “Oh, you got back with her?“, was surprised Cyril Hanouna. “Not you apparently“, laughed Gilles Verdez, causing laughter on the set and Baba’s embarrassment. “I will burst the abscess. You were very much in love (speaking of Jean-Michel Maire, editor’s note) and you are convinced that something happened between me and this girl…“, Hanouna clarified.”She told me, she admitted it to me“, retorted his sidekick.

We didn’t do anything, I tell you“, insisted Cyril Hanouna, adding that it is”a legend“.”She’s a liar then“, replied her columnists, specifying that she has “gave details“, notably “place and position” according to Kelly Vedovelli. Faced with the insistence of the set and the embarrassment of this situation, Cyril Hanouna revealed this: “We kissed quickly… I didn’t know it was Jean-Mi’s ex“, specifying that he did not go further with her, which his colleagues did not dispute.

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