Jean-Michel Maire found himself (almost) in the same situation as Pierre Palmade

Julien Lepers was the guest of Do not touch My TV on C8, Friday March 10, 2023 to return to comments he made in a podcast by Laurent Argelier on the Pierre Palmade affair. The former host of Questions for a champion on France 3 had denounced the lynching suffered by the comedian and humorist since the terrible accident he caused under the influence of drugs in February. “Before the trial, he is already dead. If we put someone on trial, there will be a defence. There will be an attack. There will be judges. That’s a trial”he had said. “Palmade, there is no trial, nothing at all, he is already dead”.

And facing Gilles Verdez, the ex-candidate of Dancing with the Stars on TF1 had maintained this line of defence. “There is one side: ‘What a pity that the media are talking about the case (…) What a pity that Pierre Palmade is not supported’ (…) No, he is not dead (… ) He will have the right to a trial. He seems to regret that he died in the media”, replied the journalist “shocked” by the statements of the guest. “No, I don’t regret that at all. The man is on the ground, do you want to push him even more? Is that what you want? I say no, I don’t want to that. He’s not well right now.”replied Julien Lepers.

Jean-Michel Maire arrested drunk on the road

During the show, Jean-Michel Maire took the floor to reveal that he had already taken to the road in a state of intoxication. “I have already been arrested by the gendarmes. I was alcohol positive, I could have killed someone that night. My life could have changed. Since this case, I have changed my way of life. Before, I could take my scooter out of a party, I don’t take it anymore”said the one who radically changed his way of life.

See also: Jackpot for the C8 broadcast: the huge information that just fell when he invited the producer of Pierre Palmade last night


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