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12:42 : On the government side, Minister Olivier Dussopt lambasted “irresponsibility” of this proposal. “Nothing is right. Neither the semantics (…), nor the place, the West Indies where the vaccination rate is so low, nor the substance of the matter (…)”, criticized the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure. “I do not understand the idea behind the abolition of the vaccine pass. Let the virus run? It would be deaths and deaths (…)”, finally reacted Nathan Peiffer-Smadja, infectious disease specialist at Bichat hospital.
12:42 : Traveling with Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Martinique, the president of the group La France rebellious to the Assembly, Mathilde Panot, announced yesterday that she wanted “present a text that calls for an end to the exceptional health regime, which wants to remove full health power from Emmanuel Macron, and which will put an end to the health pass and the vaccine passL”. Comments made from an island with particularly low vaccination coverage, and which has earned many criticisms from its author.
12:41 : Faced with the possibility of a flood of cases linked to the Omicron variant, should we postpone the start of the school year by a week, as proposed by Valérie Pécresse? “School is the last thing to close. (…) This is not the preferred hypothesis. We would only do it as a last resort”, answers the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, questioned by BFMTV.
12:03 : Here is the update:
Confinement in the Netherlands, alert procedure triggered in London, New Year’s fireworks canceled on the Champs-Elysées in Paris: one week before Christmas, restrictions are multiplying across the world in the face of the very rapid spread of the Omicron variant.
• Chilean voters are called upon to elect their president from among two candidates with diametrically opposed societal projects: one from the extreme right, the other from the radical left. Presentation of the issues in this article.
• Boris Johnson is having a particularly trying end to the year: already weakened, the British Prime Minister lost his Secretary of State in charge of Brexit last night, citing political disagreements.
• The majority deputies, supported by the government, are preparing to table a bill to simplify the procedures for people who wish to take their mother’s name. More information about it here.
11:07 : Since the start of the pandemic, the mental health of the French has deteriorated and the consumption of anxiolytics and antidepressants has increased. Jean-Paul, a 68-year-old retired grandfather, is now wondering if “so many sacrifices” to lead “a stunted life is still an exhilarating project”. His testimony and others can be read here.
11:00 : The end of the year celebrations will still take place under the sign of the pandemic. A health pressure which weighs more and more on the French. Marie and a few others told me how the Covid has become a real mental burden in their daily lives. To read here.
10:38 : Hello @Lamamandeloulou. You must indeed cancel your appointment for the injection of your booster dose. The website of the Ministry of Health indicates that you may be entitled to it five months after the date of your infection, but this period should probably be reduced to 4 months after the announcements made by Jean Castex on Friday. Until then, the certificate of recovery that you will obtain once you are released from the illness will allow you to keep a valid health pass. I take this message to wish you a speedy recovery and happy holidays!
11:04 am : After two vaccine doses, I contracted the Covid on 12/14. I was supposed to have a 3rd dose on 12/28. I guess I have to cancel it but no one is giving us a clear answer. It is very nebulous. Will my vaccination pass still be valid with the new government decisions?
11:03 : The Dauphiné freed devotes its front page to the arrival of holidaymakers on the slopes during the end of the year celebrations. Mountain professionals hope that the Covid-19 pandemic will not tarnish the tourist season too much.

9:55 a.m. : @Gilles de Retz Unfortunately, the specialists I interviewed on this question were especially pleased with the good results of the booster dose against the Delta variant. Omicron, which should soon become the majority in France, is unfortunately more transmissible than Delta and less sensitive to vaccination. This raises concerns that the vaccine may be less effective in controlling transmission, without making it unnecessary. In any case, we will have to wait for more studies to be certain on this subject.
9:54 a.m. : Hello @Gilles de Retz. I worked on two articles that touched on this issue last week, particularly regarding the booster dose. To sum them up in two words: by stimulating our immune system a third time, vaccines cause a very sharp rise in the level of neutralizing antibodies against the coronavirus. What to obtain not only a consequent immunity against the serious forms and the deaths related to the disease, but also a strong protection against the infection and the transmission.
11:02 : Hello FI. I will retry my question on transmission: do vaccinated people transmit the virus less than unvaccinated people?
11:02 : Sunday Newspaper devotes its front page to the arrival in France of the Omicron variant, which should become in the coming days responsible for the majority of contamination by Covid-19 in our country according to Olivier Véran. The weekly evokes a rather worrying scenario: the crossing of the bar of 80,000 contaminations per day by Christmas Eve.

11:01 am : Hello . Vaccines against Covid-19 are not 100% effective (like most other vaccines for that matter), having a complete vaccination schedule does not guarantee escaping hospitalization because of Sars-CoV-2 . But proportionally to the unvaccinated, the vaccinated are much less likely to be admitted to the hospital because of the virus, all the more so if they have benefited from a booster dose, as shown by these figures from the Drees reported by a journalist from Parisian.
11:01 am : Hello, are the patients admitted to intensive care all unvaccinated or are there patients who still have a complete vaccination schedule and who end up hospitalized? Thank you and have a good Sunday.
11:01 am : We start without further delay with the first point on the news of the day:
Confinement in the Netherlands, alert procedure triggered in London, New Year’s fireworks canceled on the Champs-Elysées in Paris: one week before Christmas, restrictions are multiplying across the world in the face of the very rapid spread of the Omicron variant.
• Chilean voters are called upon to elect their president from among two candidates with diametrically opposed societal projects: one from the extreme right, the other from the radical left. Presentation of the issues in this article.
• Boris Johnson is having a particularly trying end to the year: already weakened, the British Prime Minister lost his Secretary of State in charge of Brexit last night, citing political disagreements.
• At least 75 people have been killed in the Philippines during Typhoon Rai, the most powerful to hit the country this year.