Jean-Michel Blanquer promises the reinforcement of at least 8,000 people in National Education

At least 8,000 additional reinforcements will be mobilized in National Education very soon to manage the health crisis, franceinfo learned on Friday after the announcements of Jean-Michel Blanquer, the Minister of National Education, who spoke Thursday evening at the end of an important day of mobilization of teachers.

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Among these announced reinforcements, 1,500 educational assistants, supervisors, will strengthen the school life teams in colleges and high schools. This was announced by the Minister of National Education at the end of the meeting with the unions. Then, 1,500 additional administrative contractors will support school principals and heads of establishments, responsible for applying the health protocol in their establishments.

On franceinfo on Friday, Jean-Michel Blanquer also announced the recruitment of 1,700 “coronavirus mediators” additional. “These are people who come to schools whenever there is work to do, for example when we do the saliva tests in numbers”.

In addition, Jean-Michel Blanquer announced the forthcoming recruitment of 3,300 contract teachers, a figure included in the 6,000 contract positions announced as reinforcements from December 2020 during the second wave of Covid-19. These 3,300 people will in fact see their contract extended to cover the entire school year.

In addition to these 8,000 reinforcements, the National Education relies on the additional lists, that is to say people who have passed the competitions and who can be mobilized, particularly in primary school. The number of people affected is not yet disclosed. On franceinfo, Jean-Michel Blanquer however mentioned “several hundred” of persons concerned.

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