Jean-Michel Blanquer launches a consultation on mathematics in high school

The Minister of National Education wishes to create a consultation committee responsible for considering improvements in the teaching of this subject.

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What place for maths in high school? The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, is launching a consultation committee on the teaching of this subject in high school, in order to “list the remarks” and lead to “realistic and effective improvement scenarios”according to a letter sent to members of the educational staff, Thursday, February 17. “The first meetings can be held next week”assured the Minister.

For this consultation, the Minister says he is aiming “in the first place the associations of mathematics teachers (…), the representatives of the various higher education bodies, and of course the representatives of the pupils and those of the parents of pupils”.

Teachers have been alarmed for several years by a drop in the number of first and final high school students taking this subject, especially among girls. Since the high school reform, which put an end to the traditional series (L, ES and S) in 2019, mathematics has been taught as a specialty, outside of the common core. They are no longer mandatory from the first.

At the beginning of February, Jean-Michel Blanquer had estimated that it would be necessary “probably” add mathematics in the common core of première and terminale.

In an interview with Echoes on Friday, the minister said that “Certain arrangements are possible from the start of the next school year, others will have to wait until 2023”. “Among the immediate objectives could be the idea of ​​encouraging even more girls to choose the mathematics specialty in first year”he pointed out.

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