Jean-Michel Blanquer, king of the dancefloor: his past as a DJ resurfaces

Without a filter, Jean-Michel Blanquer wanted to reveal several unexpected anecdotes from his past, long before he joined the government of Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée Palace as Minister of National Education. Interviewed by GalaAnna Cabana’s husband revealed that he had been a big fan of dance floorsdiscos and dance parties since he was a DJ when he was young.

Not specifying on the other hand if he is more a fan of hits from the 1980s or of raï, he tells how he arrived at this career: “I drove Saudis, when they came to Paris, they needed student drivers, so I did that. And then one day, I forgot to put the handbrake on and the car went downhill. So, I stopped being a driver to focus on being a DJ.

The time Try Apple

Entrepreneur at heart, the minister had even founded with his friend François Baroin (met in his youth at Stanislas College in Paris) a small DJ club called Try Appleclimb to animate BCBG rallies“, he had entrusted to the magazine Capital in 2018. Unfortunately, the hits and remixes imagined by Jean-Michel Blanquer are no longer available since he is now very busy with his duties within the National Education.

Another surprising fact, Jean-Michel Blanquer – recently criticized in the National Assembly for his vacation in Ibiza – is also passionate about the world of rags since he tried, in a courageous way, to embrace a career as a designer. He explains : “I had sewing as an option in high school. We had to design and sew a little beach dress for a three-year-old child. I was the only boy among 500 girls“Pragmatic, the young man nevertheless quickly realized that he was not necessarily very good with his fingers…”It was really obvious that my dress was the least successful. So I decided that I quit“, he indicated.

As a reminder, Jean-Michel Blanquer has been Minister of National Education and Youth since 2017.

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