Jean-Michel Blanquer is a “useful moron” for Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Jean-Michel Blanquer half-demolished the school but he managed to get everyone back to school, “said the candidate from rebellious France on the sidelines of the teachers’ demonstration in Paris on Thursday.

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“We must give the good for nothing their chance”, declared Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate of France insubordinate to the presidential one, Thursday, January 13, while he was questioned on a possible resignation of the minister ofEeducation, Jean-Michel Blanquer. “I think such a jerk is useful”, he added, during a speech on the sidelines of the Parisian demonstration against the waltz of health protocols linked to the Covid-19 epidemic.

“All jokes aside, we can’t take it anymore”, he continued. “Understand it, it’s even more ideological or political it’s just you are a teacher, you are the director of a school, the instructions change every day or every two days, it’s unmanageable”, insisted the candidate.

“In the teaching world, there are people who considered that all that, politics, is not really a subject, who are interested in it again, who get involved again”, he noted, while he was right next to the procession. “That’s the important moment, that’s what Blanquer did: he half-demolished the school but he managed to get everyone back to school”, assured the deputy.

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