Jean-Michel Blanquer in turmoil, Jean-Luc Mélenchon the useful left vote? … The informed of the morning of January 13

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Around Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, to decipher the news of Thursday, January 13, Roselyne Febvre, head of the political service of France 24, and Pascal Jalabert, political editorialist.

The themes

– School strike: Can Jean-Michel Blanquer hold out? The mobilization promises to be “historic” in National Education this Thursday, January 13: teachers protest against the school health protocol linked to the Covid-19 epidemic. They are supported by parents of students who say they are “in solidarity” with the movement. The political opposition, it claims the head of Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer. The latter also had a tense explanation on Wednesday January 12 in the morning before the Council of Ministers with the Minister of Health Olivier Véran. So, does the majority still support this minister in turmoil?

– Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the useful left vote? Christiane Taubira should present her candidacy for the Elysee Palace in the coming days, Yannick Jadot presents his program, Fabien Roussel continues his presidential campaign … And during this time, popular primary or not, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is in the lead left-wing candidates in the polls. What if the leader of rebellious France stood out as the candidate likely to reach the second round of the presidential election?

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