Jean-Marie Guillon donates his kidney to save his wife, Clotilde Logent


Article written by

M. Arribe, D. Prabonnaud, L. De Pavant, J. Vlasseman – France 2

France Televisions

Jean-Marie Guillon and Clotilde Logent are 70 and 72 years old. To save his wife, Jean-Marie gave her a kidney.

They do not speak of giving, but of sharing. When the kidney of Clotilde Logent began to no longer work, her husband Jean-Marie Guillon did not hesitate. Wishing to avoid dialysis and a daily life centered on the disease, Clotilde has decided. “It’s still a gift that we can’t repay. We said to ourselves that the fact that he gives me his kidney is valid for both of us. It’s so that we can have a life best for two”confides Clotilde Logent.

In 2015, the two spouses had surgery in Lille (Nord). They find their house a few days later, without major complications. Despite this strong gesture, Clotilde Logent and Jean-Marie Guillon refuse to speak of heroism. “I didn’t experience it as a sacrifice at all, something extraordinary”explains the donor, for whom he was “obvious” to donate his kidney to his wife. “It was a continuity, there was no overnight ‘I love you more than before'”, he adds. Donating an organ is not just a matter of love. The course remains complicated, because the practice is not so widespread and not always recommended. Jean-Marie Guillon had to carry out a dozen examinations before the transplant.

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