Jean-Marie Bigard lets loose on his biggest addictions in “TPMP People”

It was the set of all good resolutions this Saturday March 11, 2023 on C8. In TPMP People, Jean-Marie Bigard patched things up with Laurent Fontaine who had spoken ill of his wife Lola Marois, Matthieu Delormeau made his mea culpa against the comedian and Julien Lepers wanted to come back to his controversial remarks about Pierre Palmade . After welcoming Claude François Junior, the son of the famous singer who died just 45 years ago, the host approached his new subject of the evening concerning addictions. For the occasion, Jean-Marie Bigard has agreed to talk about his past alcoholism as well as the regular use he made of drugs. Laurent Baffie’s friend begins by giving advice: “Since last October 18, I have been holding on well and my advice, to everyone, to everyone who wants to break free whether it is wine, firecrackers, or cocaine, whatever it is, the best it’s ZERO, suddenly! Point !” he launches outright, explaining: That is to say, your brain no longer has to ask itself the question. It does not exist to say I have a shot from time to time, come on, I do half a glass of red in the evening.

“One drink is too much, and 12 is not enough!”

To summarize his point of view, Jean-Marie Bigard quotes another artist who is known to fight against alcohol: “The singer Renaud told me: ‘for me, one glass is too much, and 12 is not enough!’ He summed up the situation perfectly!” he concludes in front of Matthieu Delormeau who reminds him: “Not everyone has your luck, singer Rose (who was to be present on the set and who hosts the podcast “Contradictions”) told me yesterday on the phone for example for cocaine ‘we can’t get by on our own, we have to ask for help’, so maybe not everyone has your strength too…” he lets go in the face of the comedian who can only approve: “It is possible, yes.” The presenter continues the discussion by reminding him of his old confidences: “And in the interviews, you admitted to being mounted up to 4-5 bottles of wine per day, that you had seen the cocaine parties, the thingies parties…” And the member of Big heads to remember: “It was a period where you went out at night after 4 a.m. saying, ‘where is the after party? and you went to bed around 2 p.m.… That was 25 years ago…” he admits without regretting this time. And Delormeau to want his intimate confessions: “With hindsight, can you say ‘yes I was a drug addict and an alcoholic’? Jean-Marie Bigard takes the opportunity to clarify his point and take preventive action towards viewers: “There is one thing that still needs to be clarified, cocaine is not a physical addiction, you are not like a heroin addict who says to himself ‘if I don’t have my dose… heroin is terrifying because you can’t survive withoutso you are ready for anything for a very short period of pleasure and after that you are only dependent and to be only normal.” Words which, without being moralizing, are most educational.


See also: “I have a device…”: for the first time Jean-Marie Bigard lifts the veil on a health problem that handicaps him on a daily basis

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