Jean-Marc Morandini prosecuted for corruption of minors: the date of his trial announced

Jean-Marc Morandini is not done with justice. On Wednesday July 20, the Paris prosecutor’s office indicated that the 56-year-old host will appear before the 15th chamber of the Paris court on October 24 for “corruption of minors. In 2020, Jean-Marc Morandini had indeed appealed the order for referral to the court issued by an examining magistrate. A request rejected by the investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal. His lawyer, Corinne Dreyfus-Schmidt, then announced that he wanted to appeal to the Court of Cassation to contest this decision, a request also rejected. “During this hearing, Mr. Morandini will be able to defend himself and assert his rights“, she told AFP when the announcement of the upcoming judgment of her client, who contests the facts.

Jean-Marc Morandini has been worried about this case since 2016. At the time, he was indicted following the overwhelming testimonies of two young men. The latter assured that they were minors at the time of the facts, 15 and 16 years old, and that they had received sexual proposals from the host. The first complainant explained that he had received sexual messages in 2013 via Twitter. Jean-Marc Morandini then defended himself by declaring to the investigators that he did not know the age of the young man. The latter had ended up withdrawing and withdrawing his complaint.

The second complainant revealed that he had been the target of sexual proposals during his casting led by the journalist for his project to remake the American film Ken Park. In his testimony, he also said that he had been invited to the home of Jean-Marc Morandini where he would have been invited to undress and to reproduce a scene of masturbation, as described. The Parisian at the time. In police custody, Jean-Marc Morandini had then this time assured that he had no memory of these events.

Note that Jean-Marc Morandini must also be sent to trial for “sexual harassment” against an actor. And his production company Don’t Zap! Production, of which he is the legal representative, will be judged for concealed work with regard to five plaintiffs. The trial date has not yet been set.

Jean-Marc Morandini remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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