Jean-Marc Barr former “porn addict”: his cash secrets about his sex life

Viewers were brought to tears as they watched him sink to the ocean depths forever in the film. The big Blue by Luc Besson. In real life, Jean-Marc Barr went through a different kind of tunnel. Far from being addicted to large waters, snorkels and other snorkelingthe actor visualized a different film genre very frequently: “sex addict“, it was “porn addict“, as he explained with great honesty in an interview with the magazine He isn 2015.

It’s a bit hard for my wife, but that’s the way it is

He ended up sticking his head out of the water. Once the spiral is over, Jean-Marc Barr has calmed the pace of his untimely viewings, but has also seen his libido drop considerably, even if it means putting his couple at risk. “Suddenly, it fell on me, I saw myself flirting with girls and I realized that I was just flattering my ego… And I stopped everything, told the actor of 61 years. It’s been almost two years since I discovered the freedom and happiness of not being obsessed with it anymore. It’s a bit hard for my wife [Stella di Tocco, mère de son fils Jude, 6 ans, NDLR.]but it’s like that.“Stella di Tocco met the actor for the first time during the Angers Festival in January 2014.

He has never, however, forgotten this period when he was passionate about X films. He even produced, co-directed and starred in a film in 2012, entitled Sexual chronicles of a modern familyin which no sex scene was simulated – on the example of Love by Gaspar Noé, The Brown Bunny by Vincent Gallo. “This film is an anti-porno with anonymous people who really make love, explained Jean-Marc Barr to journalists from Closer. The aim of the film is to make an alternative proposal to the porn industry, which dominates the representation of sexuality by 90%, where the image of women is tarnished. It’s so rare to see in the cinema or on TV a sexuality that resembles everyone’s life. Our children are exposed to porn from an early age, so why not show them what sexuality really is?

Find Jean-Marc Barr in The ropeon arte, January 27, 2022.

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