Jean Maheu, former CEO of Radio France, died at the age of 90

Jean Maheu directed Radio France between 1989 and 1995. He also directed the Center Pompidou or the Théâtre de la Ville.

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Jean Maheu, President and CEO of Radio France for two terms, from 1989 to 1995, died Sunday January 9 at the age of 90, Franceinfo has learned.

Graduated from the National School of Administration (ENA) in 1956, Jean Maheu was auditor at the Court of Auditors, then he held numerous positions within the government, from the general secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic alongside the general de Gaulle (1962-1967) at the Secretary of State for Youth, Sports and Leisure (1967-1974).

Then a “cultural shift” in his career: he joined the Ministry of Culture then continued his career at the head of major cultural establishments such as the Center Pompidou (1983-1989), the Théâtre de la Ville, then the Maison de la Poésie de la Ville de Paris ( 1995-1998), through the general management of Radio France, from 1989 to 1995.

Sibyle Veil, the current CEO of Radio France, wished to address “his saddened condolences” to relatives of his predecessor. Jean Maheu. “He was a man of great culture in love with all the arts. Jean Maheu marked the history of a house which maintains a carnal link with culture and all its expressions”. Jean Maheu has also published several collections of poems.

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