Jean-Luc Wertenschlag, who intervened during the attacks, pleads for better training of civilians in first aid


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5 min

Attacks of November 13, 2015: “I have the impression that we have not yet moved in our society”, estimates Jean-Luc Werstenschlag, president of the citizen collective of 1311

Attacks of November 13, 2015: “I have the impression that we have not yet moved in our society”, estimates Jean-Luc Werstenschlag, president of the citizen collective of 1311 – (Franceinfo)

On the occasion of the commemoration of the attacks of November 13, 2015, Jean-Luc Wertenschlag, president of the 1311 citizen collective, is the guest of 12/13 info. According to him, for eight years, “civilians’ capacity to react” to terrorism has not evolved.

I have the impression that we have not yet moved in our society (…) on the reaction capacity of civilians, not to oppose terrorism itself, but to the consequences of the acts of terrorists“, says Jean-Luc Wertenschlag, president of the citizen collective of November 13, on the set of 12/13 info, Monday November 13. Jean-Luc Wertenschlag lived above the terrace of the restaurant La Belle Équipe, in Paris, where There was a terrorist attack which left 21 dead on November 13, 2015. That evening, he heard shooting and decided to intervene even before help arrived.We tried to prevent people from dying. I applied a tourniquet, I saved a young woman that evening (…) And I was able to do that because I was trained”he explains.

The need for equipment

Since this tragedy, Jean-Luc Wertenschlag no longer leaves his house without taking a black backpack with him. “That evening, I ended up shirtless, because I used my belt, my clothes, to make bandages, tourniquets, bandages, and I can no longer afford to be naked again, as I was that evening (…) It’s one of my fights, it’s to try to equip establishments open to the public with hemorrhagic control equipment so that, whatever happens at that moment- there, a first aider present can have equipment“, he says.

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