Jean-Luc Reichmann victim of identity theft on social networks… The famous animator sees red and takes a radical decision!

Over the years, Jean-Luc Reichmann has become one of the key figures on the small screen. When he’s not shooting new editions of 12 noon shots, the star recorded countless episodes for his hit series Léo Matteï – Minors’ Brigade. “When we created this series ten years ago, no one was expecting me in terms of child education and prevention. We put our finger where it hurts, hoping to allow victims to speak, as has been the case before,” did he analyze for Full life.

This Thursday, February 24, 2022, Nathalie Lecoultre’s companion made a remarkable appearance on the show South Radio. Faced with Valérie Expert, Jean-Luc Reichmann spoke frankly about his news. The opportunity for him to indulge in his report on social networks. On Instagram, he loves interacting with his community… And it’s for a very specific reason.

“Already, to stay in touch with my real followers, those who like me”, explained the comedian. “And above all, so that there is no identity theft. There, I looked this morning, I must be at 150 different Jean-Luc Reichmanns. That’s crazy stuff , the followers no longer know who is who. And insofar as I am the one who sends the signal first, the other fake Jean-Luc Reichmanns are forced to follow me. So like that, I always have a one step ahead, rather than my identity being usurped and there being fake Jean-Lucs”.

This scourge is common and he is not the only victim. Jean-Luc Reichmann also wishes to protect his relatives from this problem. “At some point, there is still someone who took themselves for my companion, who took themselves for my children…, added the host, annoyed. “That is to say that it is no longer me who speaks in relation to me, so I always have a little head start, which allows me to stay in real life”.


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