Jean-Luc Reichmann to the angels, the famous animator confides in a surprise pregnancy… Internet users satisfied at all levels!

Like many stars, Jean-Luc Reichmann is very active on Instagram. The platform allows him to interact daily with his followers. Unfortunately, the famous presenter is often the victim of identity theft. A subject he raised last February on the airwaves of RTL.

“There, I looked this morning, I must be at 150 different Jean-Luc Reichmann. That’s a crazy thing, the fans no longer know who is who”analyzed the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre. “And insofar as I’m the one who sends the signal first, the other fake Jean-Luc Reichmanns are forced to follow me. So that way, I’m always one step ahead, rather than being usurps my identity and that there are fake Jean-Lucs”.

If he is focus on his career, Jean-Luc Reichmann also likes to have a good time with his loved ones. He is also a great rugby fan. This Saturday, March 19, the actor obviously attended the big match between the XV of France and the England team as part of the Six Nations tournament. As our colleagues from PurePeople, many public figures have made the trip to the Stade de France. Like Bradley Cooper or even Tom Holland.

Unsurprisingly, the French supporters were thousands to celebrate the victory of the Blues who finished the competition undefeated and achieved the Grand Slam in the process. Not a little proud, Jean-Luc Reichmann shared some pictures of this wild evening. He also had the honor of posing with the sportsman Cameron Woki. Facing the camera, the duo poses all smiles.

“So happy to have learned such excellent news for Alyzée and her lover, my great friend Cameron Woki”said the host in his caption. “Can’t wait for us to be able to celebrate soon all together with ALL the whole team of France”. In the comments thread, many Internet users congratulated the future dad. What great news!


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