Jean-Luc Reichmann lets loose on Instagram and winks at his partner Nathalie Lecoultre

On August 11, Jean-Luc Reichmann sadly announced the death of his mother Josette. “Today I cry. My heart no longer shines […] You put sunshine in my life every day, Mom, with your words so right, your expressions so funny, your reflections so disconcerting. Excuse me, Mom, but today I’m in so much pain“he wrote in the caption of a photo of his mother on Instagram.

Very saddened, the host published a very long text to pay tribute to the one who gave him life: “I love you very much, you know, Mom, and I know that from where you are, you see us and that you watch over us. Wherever you are, wherever I am, you will always be there, very close to me. Come on, ‘Cheers up’, as you say and Thank you. Thank you Mom, for all that you have done for us. Kiss Daddy hard. Your son… for life”.

Jean-Luc Reichmann shares a hilarious photo on Instagram
A few days after this tragic loss, Jean-Luc Reichmann decided to move forward and not let himself be defeated. This Monday, August 15, the presenter of 12 Coups de Midi shared in an Instagram story, a funny photo in which a man is wearing a t-shirt with an inscription on the back where it says: “If I’m too drunk, bring me to Natalie”. At his side, a woman wearing the same t-shirt with this time written: “I am Nathalie”.

The situation is especially hilarious because Jean-Luc Reichmann’s companion is named Nathalie and he could therefore have worn this message t-shirt.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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