Jean-Luc Reichmann, Karine Le Marchand… who are the favorite animators of the French in 2022?

Jean-Luc Reichmann received a nice Christmas present this week, in the columns of TV Magazine. Our colleagues announced that he had been voted “favorite animator of the French”. And on the Web, the one who daily takes the reins of “12 strokes of noon“, did not hide his emotion. He wrote: “You cannot imagine how much this end-of-year gift touches me, makes me happy for these holidays. spends the holidays for the first time … to his laughter, which I no longer hear and which I miss unbearably every day”, confides the new favorite TV host of the French. “I’m thinking of my children, of Nathalie who shares my delusions, of TF1 and all the teams who have trusted me for all these years, but above all of all of you who accompany me on the journey every day”.

Karine Le Marchand, first woman!

In 4th place, the first woman in the ranking is none other than Karine Le Marchand, who welcomed the news with as much gratitude. On the Web, the host of “Love is in the meadow” wrote: Thank you very much to all those who voted me the favorite host of the French! As for many of you, the year 2022 has been a trying year, nervously, physically, emotionally. Like you (even if I don’t know how to show it), I sometimes cried with rage, sadness, I felt loneliness, and anxiety. The state of our planet, the war that lasts and those that threaten, the growing poverty, the cruelty towards people and animals, all that touches me, and more and more. But thanks to my family and my friends, to whom I was able to say “it’s not okay”, I received support and love. And I regained hope and my energy. They know how much I love them and I thank them for being there for me. But you, whom I don’t know, you who laugh and cry with me on your sofa, who approach me in the street, and who simply feel close to who I am, I want to say a huge thank you. Because these testimonies of tenderness, recognition and love are essential when everything is rocking. And I hope to bring you joy and well-being in my turn, when you are not well in front of your screen. I take you on board in my projects, and you are always present, as if to say “ok, we’re going with you”. What happiness! What confidence! I hope never to disappoint you. I wish you to bury this horrible year soon, and I form the wish for 2023 that kindness, love and joy are a goal to reach all together. I embrace you tenderly”.

Who are the favorite animators?

Below, the general classification, to be found in a slideshow: Jean-Luc Reichmann (1st), Stéphane Plaza (2nd), Nagui (3rd), Karine Le Marchand (4th), Julien Courbet (5th), Stéphane Bern (6th), Cyril Lignac (7th), Évelyne Dhéliat (8th), Vincent Lagaf’ (9th), Gilles Bouleau (10th), Philippe Etchebest (11th), Élise Lucet (12th), Anne-Sophie Lapix (13th), Denis Brogniart (14th) and Harry Roselmack (15th).


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