Jean-Luc Reichmann in love with Nathalie: what he “misses quite frequently” in his couple

Jean-Luc Reichmann is a man in love! The 60-year-old host and comedian spins the perfect love with Nathalie Lecoultre for twenty years. With her, he forms a discreet and very solid couple at the head of a blended family of six children who would be aged from 9 to 29 years old. And time does not seem to fray their love even if Jean-Luc Reichmann sometimes misses a little.

Indeed, the presenter of 12 strokes of noon acknowledged in an interview for TV Star published on February 7, 2022 not to be the greatest of romantics, especially when it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day. “I miss the mark quite often“, he confided. This year, Jean-Luc Reichmann and Nathalie Lecoultre have not planned to make it a big event. However, he promises to catch up: “We will be with my mom, in Toulouse, because we have a little time slot at that time to come and give her a kiss. But before the summer, we took two breaks to leave together. We will celebrate Valentine’s Day at that time.

In addition to sharing their personal life, Jean-Luc Reichmann and Nathalie work together. They collaborate on the detective series Leo Mattei for which, he plays the main role, and she is co-screenwriter. “Nathalie is at the base of the artistic: the texts, the themes, the cast, etc… And I go up and down the channel to communicate our proposals to them. We are very complementary“, he explained.

The pretty brunette is also in charge of the smooth running of filming and it is also she who guides the actors, and therefore her companion, in front of the cameras. Which sometimes earns them funny moments: “This year, she’s the one making the last night. A total stripping of all the characters, both physically and morally since she filmed me naked !“A daring scene that viewers will be able to discover in the ninth season of the detective series, which will be launched on Thursday February 17 on TF1.

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