Jean-Luc Reichmann in love with Nathalie: he shares a superb photo for a special occasion

For many years, Jean-Luc Reichmann has flourished alongside Nathalie Lecoultre. And between them, it’s love like the first day. At first discreet about him, the flagship host of TF1 no longer deprives himself of proclaiming his love loud and clear for the one with whom he works on a daily basis for the series. Leo Mattei. Tuesday, July 26 was also a day dedicated to the beautiful brunette. If it was not his birthday, Jean-Luc Reichmann judged that the date was just as important.

On Instagram, he then let himself go to share a beautiful photo of their couple, captured during their beach vacation. Both tanned and with a broad smile on their lips, they appear radiant. “Happy Birthday my love. Sainte #Nathalie… Colorist of my life“, legend tenderly the star of 12 noon shots. Internet users were quick to wish a happy birthday in turn to Nathalie Lecoultre, while complimenting the beautiful image that was unveiled to them. “Love is beautiful“, notes for example a subscriber.

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