Jean-Luc Reichmann: His wife Nathalie Lecoultre spoiled by their children!

I had to search the internet to find out his background

Father of six children from a blended family, Jean-Luc Reichmann has shared the life of Nathalie Lecoultre for more than twenty years. The lovebirds met on a film set. Director, artistic director and stylist, Nathalie Lecoultre had no idea of ​​the identity of this man, so tall, so mysterious, when she met him for the first time, since she had just returned from the United States. “It’s trueshe admitted in the columns of the magazine Gala. I had to search the Internet to find out about her background!

To seduce her, Jean-Luc Reichmann had to rub shoulders with a movie monster. When he learned that the presenter was fooling around with Nathalie Lecoultre, Alain Delon actually intervened. The actor was then working in a play, for which she was a stylist. “He looks at me like that and says ‘I’m warning you, if anything happens, I’ll be there’he said recently on the set of the show C to you. This is Alain Delon speaking, I promise you it’s true! I was shot afterwards with his daughter Anouchka on stage, I was not getting enough“.

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