Jean-Luc Reichmann: His companion Nathalie Lecoultre in mourning after the death of a loved one

Decidedly, the hard knocks are linked for the couple who was formed a little over twenty years ago. At the beginning of August, it was the host himself who lost a being very close to him, namely his mother Josette who died at the age of 88.

The famous 61-year-old host announced this drama on Instagram, where he explained that he found comfort in the idea that she left to join her father Pierre, who was taken away in 2016 at the age of 83. “Mom, today I’m crying, my heart no longer shines, yours has died. Tonight, your place will be empty at belote, because you left to play with Dad again“, he had written with emotion. And to continue: “I love you very much you know Mom and I know that from where you are, you see us and that you watch over us. Wherever you are, wherever I am, you will always be there, very close to me. Go ‘Haut les Coeurs’ as you say and thank you… Thank you Mom, thank you for everything you have done for us. Kiss daddy hard.

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