Jean-Luc Reichmann and Nagui: the disagreement that marked their career

Jean-Luc Reichmann will be doubly honored on July 2, 2022, on TF1. After The Special Battle of the Masters for 12 year oldsTF1 will broadcast the documentary Jean-Luc Reichmann, an extraordinary destiny (11:15 p.m.). The opportunity to learn more about the 61-year-old presenter and the differences he had with Nagui, his longtime friend.

Our colleagues from Current wife had the opportunity to preview the documentary. And they lifted the veil on the part where Nagui talks about his collaboration with the host of 12 noon shotsmarked by disagreement. From 1991, Jean-Luc Reichmann worked with Nagui. He was the voiceover of the game May the best win. “He had a quality that for me is essential in television. He had radio in his veins, that sense of timing, that sense of intonation, of how to place his voice, showcasing a host, being funny, being a voiceover“, explains the husband of Mélanie Page.

Subsequently, the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre also commented Don’t forget your toothbrush (1994-1996). He didn’t see the set and commented on what was happening like a normal viewer. An unprecedented exercise on television. But sometimes rehearsals didn’t go as planned. It happened to Jean Luc Reichmann to leave without warning to shoot an advertising voice, which “was driving me crazy“Nagui.”There was a period when all of a sudden, the valves were no longer the same. There were jokes he made that didn’t make me laugh and others on which I left and where he didn’t follow me. There was nothing violent or aggressive, there was just a feeling of, ‘There’s something wrong.‘” he continued.

The two presenters put in rivalry

At that time head of entertainment named Béatrice Esposito offers Jean-Luc Reichmann to go in front of the camera, as presenter. A choice that surprised Nagui. “It wasn’t jealousybut clearly when the channel started to say to me: ‘Do you think that Jean-Luc could host such a show?’, I had a feeling of potentially losing a member of the team. So no, we are not changing anything. It was without suspecting the appetite and the desire of Jean-Luc to go there. Of course he was right to do so.“, he clarified.

Indeed, Jean-Luc Reichmann then found himself at the presentation of the Z’amours on France 2, in 1995. In 2009, it is on TF1 that we find him for WATCH YOUR STEP. In front of him, Nagui knows success with Everyone wants to take its place. The media therefore put them in rivalry and yet, it is not so. “What was extremely important to me was that the hearings continue as they should continue, that fair play reigns and not hosts who want to wring their necks and if that were the case, I wouldn’t be there“, concluded the presenter of Do not forget the lyrics.

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