Jean-Luc Reichmann and his wife Nathalie: this famous actor who interfered in their relationship!

If they are usually rather discreet, Jean-Luc Reichmann and his wife Nathalie have decided to make a small exception this week, by posing together on the front page of the magazine Gala. The opportunity for them to talk about the series they created together, Leo Mattei but also to talk about their meeting and their atypical meeting at the restaurant … during which Alain Delon burst in!

Back a few years back: when Jean-Luc Reichmann was one of the stars of TF1, he met a stylist, Nathalie, on a set. This one works mostly in the United States, takes care of big stars (Johnny Hallyday, Isabelle Huppert …) but absolutely does not know that the one whose eyes she crossed is a real celebrity of French television.

She entrusts it herself, she has “look on the Internet” to find out who he was and give him a date. But as things become more serious between them and they go on dates, she confides in an actor she is close to at work, Alain Delon: “At the time, I was working as a stylist for his plays. He was very protective of me and one day I told him that I had met the man of my life.”

The actor takes his role as protector seriously and decides to check that the lovebirds will be truly happy together. “The same evening, while we were having a romantic dinner, Alain called me and asked me: ‘Where are you?’ Half an hour later, he joins us unannounced at the restaurant and sits directly between the two of us. And there, I saw Jean-Luc turn pale“, she says.

The host, accustomed to jokes and words of humor, certainly had a lot less desire to laugh in front of the monster of the cinema. Looking back, he vividly remembers having “had to pass the Alain Delon exam“: “Yes, he asked me 50 questions about my life, my intentions, a real investigative work… He concluded with this sentence: ‘Pay attention to her, otherwise I’ll be there!’ I wasn’t leading off, I had Alain Delon in front of me all the same… Then he got up and said to Nathalie: ‘Come on, let’s go, we’re going to work!’ I stayed banned!

Rather accustomed to dark characters, Jean-Paul Belmondo’s eternal rival was not ready to let his little protege go with just anyone! Fortunately, he rather had flair: the couple have now been together for many years and are still having so much fun. Attached to real life, they explain in their interview to be “a normal couple, no bling-bling“, and still not married.

Rather shy and reserved in real life, Jean-Luc Reichmann accepts very little to talk about his life. However, he assures him, this story with Alain Delon is completely settled: “Since I played with his daughter Anouchka, a real treat“. There is no doubt about it!

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