“Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister”, insists Clémentine Autain

The outgoing MP for Seine-Saint-Denis believes that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is “not at the center of this gathering” of the left.



Reading time: 3 min

Clémentine Autain, outgoing deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis and New Popular Front candidate, guest of France Inter on June 27, 2024. (FRANCE INTER / RADIO FRANCE)

If the New Popular Front obtains a majority at the end of the legislative elections, “it’s very simple, Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister”, insists Thursday June 27 on France Inter Clémentine Autain, outgoing MP for Seine-Saint-Denis. Three days before the first round of these early elections, the candidate of the New Popular Front considers that the former rebellious candidate in the presidential election is not “not at the center of this gathering” lefts.

Clémentine Autain also returns to the charge of the former LFI deputy for the North Adrien Quatennens addressed to François Ruffin. Tuesday, the Insoumis deputy from the Somme criticized Jean-Luc Mélenchon on TF1, seeing him as a “obstacle to the victory of the Popular Front”. This declaration was strongly criticized by Adrien Quatennens, close to the Insoumis leader, urging François Ruffin to “join the RN”. Clémentine Autain was annoyed by this invective, seeing it as a message “both filthy and pathetic” from Adrien Quatennens.

But the outgoing MP for Seine-Saint-Denis does not want to dwell on these internal quarrels just three days before the first round and when, according to the polls, “for the first time the far right could take power, oWe don’t have time for that anymore.”she gets annoyed.

Asked about her future within the rebellious movement, the one who is considered a rebel, admits not to “to be able to continue with La France insoumise as before”, without specifying what this could mean. In fact, she believes that “this is not the topic at the moment” and instead calls for unity behind the banner of the New Popular Front. She urges voters to “not to lose sight, with all these controversies, of the reality of what is at stake in the election” of Sunday. Clémentine Autain takes up a quote from Victor Hugo: “Stifle all hatred, remove all resentment, be united, you will be invincible”she mentions.

Clémentine Autain believes that “The macronie is no longer in a position to beat the extreme right” while the National Rally comes first in voting intentions, according to an Ipsos survey published Thursday for Radio France and France Télévisions in particular. The candidate for re-election, under the colors of the New Popular Front, highlights the role of “the alliance” of the left to prevent the RN from taking power. “We are the only ones who can beat the far right”she judges.

Faced with the rise of the electorate favorable to Jordan Bardella, Clémentine Autain considers that the French find themselves facing a “societal choice”, “up against the wall” : “The question is whether we will have a government of social progress with increased wages and social benefits or a government that will serve the richest 10% to the detriment of the poorest 30% (…) Are we going to have a government that will organize a shock of investments in the ecological shift or are we going to have a government in total denial on the issue of climate? Are we going to have a government for or against women’s rights? Are we going to have an anti-racist or racist government? Are we going to have a government that develops public services or privatizes them and does not give itself the means to keep them alive?”questions the New Popular Front candidate.

Clémentine Autain is a candidate for re-election in the 11th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis. Here are the other candidates:

Kahina NÄIT-KACI (Various right)
Lucien BELZANE (Far left)
Renée JOLY (National Rally)
Charlotte SÉCHET (Far left)
Max MARAN (The Republicans)
Fayza BASINI (Ensemble)

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