Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to bring together the left, Marion Maréchal vice-president of Reconquest! … Campaign diary for Wednesday, April 20



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The journalist Béatrice Gelot, present, Wednesday April 20, on the set of 12/13, provides an update on the political news of the day.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to be Prime Minister. “[Dans la soirée du mardi 19 avril]he called on the French to vote massively for La France Insoumise in the June legislative elections and to give it a majority”, reports journalist Béatrice Gelot, present, Wednesday, April 20, on the set of 12/13. For this, Jean-Luc Mélenchon “will need all the left up to the Socialist Party”and this although on the evening of the first round, “there was no question of negotiating with the PS”. In the evening, the Socialists, in the National Council, said they were ready to dialogue with La France Insoumise. “Their survival in the National Assembly could depend on it”says Béatrice Gelot.

On the right, the call was made by Éric Zemmour. “‘A grand coalition of rights and patriots to build a majority’, these are the words of Éric Zemmour. A hand extended to the National Rally, to the Republicans who refuse macronism and to Debout la France”, points out Béatrice Gelot. Marion Maréchal, who joined the Reconquest! before the first round, was named vice-president of the movement. Finally, the number of active proxies on Monday April 18 was revealed: 1.4 million, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

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