Jean-Luc Mélenchon quantifies his program in a program

The far-left candidate proposes the investment of 50 billion euros per year in the “ecological bifurcation” and public services, 75 billion in the creation of one million public jobs and the upgrading of civil servants, and 125 billion in aid, subsidies and redistribution of wealth.

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Additional spending of 250 billion euros, new revenue of 267 billion: Jean-Luc Mélenchon has quantified his program for the presidential election, Saturday March 12 in a campaign program. “Never has it been done at this level of precision”said the candidate in the introduction, who “challenged to dispute the numbers”.

In total, the candidate proposes to invest an additional 250 billion euros per year, which a graph has juxtaposed with the 1,400 billion in state budget expenditure in 2019. Among these expenditures, the investment of 50 billion euros per year in the “ecological bifurcation” and public services, 75 billion in the creation of one million public jobs and the upgrading of civil servants, and 125 billion in aid, subsidies and redistribution of wealth.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon said that these expenses would fuel a “virtuous circle” thanks to “multiplier” that part of economic science attributes to the State: “one euro from the State produces 1.18 euros”, according to him. Thus, investments would feed consumption, filling the “order books” businesses, resulting in the creation of 1.5 million private jobs, he said.

Progress that would increase State revenue by 267 billion euros (in 2019, State revenue totaled 1,300 billion), in particular thanks to an increase in collected contributions of 35 billion and income from tax on income and VAT of 27 billion.

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