Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise


France 3

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Purchasing power, energy saving, retirement, unemployment benefit, themes that were already at the heart of the presidential campaign. La Nupes does not intend to let government projects pass, in particular La France insoumise, which weighs the most in this group of the left. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is the guest of Francis Letellier, in Sunday in politics on Sunday October 9.

The Ukrainian army regains ground on the Russian army. There have been 17 dead in recent hours in bombings in Zaporizhia, where there is a nuclear power plant. “The truth is that Mr. Putin invaded Ukraine and now he is threatening us with nuclear war. It seems to me that the issue of protecting nuclear power plants is an opportunity to have a dialogue, to co-organize something , with Russians who would decide to lower their guard at least on this subject”believes Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise, guest of Sunday in politics on Sunday, October 9.

In France, at the moment, there is no more petrol in service stations, and we will have to save energy. “Let’s start by asking ourselves how we manage to block the price of oil. I re-propose the blocking of prices”, says Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who says that it is the companies that must first save money. The Nupes has launched a petition for the organization of a referendum of shared initiative to tax the superprofits, and hopes 15 to 20 billion which could come out of this tax. What would that money go to? “I give free food to all the children of France, in all the canteens of France. Because we are in a situation of distress”claims Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

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