Jean-Luc Mélenchon “is ready to lead France into chaos”, assures the Medef

“He is ready to govern, he is ready to lead France into chaos”. The president of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, crushed Wednesday June 1 on franceinfo Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who aims to become Prime Minister in the event of victory of the New popular, ecological and social union (Nupes) in the legislative elections.

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According to him, “bulk”the program of the leader of the Nupes “it’s ‘we tax everyone’, ‘we tax companies absolutely massively’ and therefore what will happen is that business leaders, the day there will be a Mélenchon government, they’ll stop hiring, they’ll stop investing, they’ll just put down the pencil and wait for the tornado to pass”that is “exactly what happened in 1981 with the joint program” between the Socialist Party and the Communist Party.

For Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, “the economy, we can’t order it from Matignon”. If Jean-Luc Mélenchon comes to power, “the 700,000 business leaders will simply say ‘I had a fixed-term contract, I’m not renewing it, I had a temporary contract, I’m not renewing it'”. In “a few months, it will just stop the economy definitively and plunge France into a serious recession”.

He does so “the bet that after 18 months, once France has been banned from Europe, that French interest rates will have exploded and that the cost of debt will have exploded because no one will want us lend money and once unemployment starts to rise very sharply, there will be, like in 1981, a new government which will try to repair the broken pots”.

The boss of bosses also compared the ex-candidate of La France insoumise in the presidential election to Hugo Chavez because “Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s program has been set up in Venezuela”. “He does not hide it, he is an admirer” of the former Venezuelan president, he said. “That does not prevent me from considering that they are people [les artisans du programme de la Nupes] who have worked, who have a form of coherence”he assured.

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